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National Recognition for Vivup’s in-house EAP & Secondary Mental Health Services

Edel Brittle Jul 14, 2021 9:12:00 AM

The Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) and Secondary Mental Health Services, provided by Vivup has received national recognition and has been awarded the prestigious APPTS mark of approval, the highest level of clinical accreditation in the UK 

The APPTS (Accreditation Programme for Psychological Therapies Services) is awarded in partnership with the British Psychological Society and the Royal College of Psychiatrists and recognises the wide range of high quality services including counselling, secondary mental health services and wellbeing support offered by Vivup 

Tracey Paxton, Managing Director of Vivup Employee Assistance Programme/Secondary Mental Health Services said: “We are thrilled to have been awarded APPTS accreditation. This is recognition for the team’s on-going commitment and passion for delivering high quality, safe and efficient care and will provide reassurance for clients and their staff accessing the service. A huge well done to all the team who deliver this important and much needed service.”

The accreditation was awarded following a rigorous auditing process. A team of trained reviewers from the Royal College of Psychiatrists assessed the EAP and Secondary Mental Health Service, conducting focus groups with staff, clients, and other stakeholders and reviewed evidence and data, before making their final decision 

Tracey continued: “The accreditation holds tremendous value because it considers the opinions of stakeholders, notably past and present clients. We are committed to continually improving the quality and standard of the service we deliver, and this is a fantastic achievement which reflects the clinical excellence within our EAP and Secondary Mental Health Service.”

The accreditation lasts three years with interim annual reviews that ensure a continuous high-quality service is always delivered 

To find out more about Vivup’s EAP/Secondary Mental Health Service, email 


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