Vivup Benefits Blog | Vivup

Sleep Better This Sleeptember

Written by Sinead Murphy | Aug 22, 2024 1:07:16 PM

Discover top tips for a healthier, happier, more rested you  

Counting sheep. Hitting the hay. Catching some Z’s Sleep; there’s plenty of ways to say it – but how can we be sure we’re getting enough?  

On average, we Brits spend 5.91 hours asleep each night. With a healthy adult needing between 7.5 – 8.5 hours, it’s clear to see why only 36% say their sleep quality is “good.”   

Sleep plays a huge part in maintaining healthy brain function, which in turn supports our physical and mental wellbeing. To understand this better, and in honour of Sleeptember 2024 taking place this month, let’s look at what happens to our bodies when we visit the land of nod…   


The Brain: There’s a reason the Dalai Lama described sleep as the best meditation. During sleep, your brain begins to process everything that happened during the day, filing it away in the relevant ‘brain boxes.’ This helps boost creative thinking, problem solving and memory recollection during your waking hours.  

The brain also works as an emotional regulator while you sleep. It does this by activating the regions of the brain responsible for managing stress and emotions, making you better equipped to handle them once you wake up. Without adequate sleep, these emotions are not properly organised and become harder to process.  

The Immune System: Immune system regulators are at their highest while we’re snoozing. This enables the body to fight inflammation, infection and trauma and allows the immune system to function at its best.  

The Muscles: We’ve all heard that a glass of milk a day can help us grow big and strong, but did you know that sleep also plays a part in supporting our strength? This is due to the release of human growth hormone, which rebuilds tissue damage and promotes stronger muscles while we’re sleeping.  

The Endocrine System: The Endocrine System is a network of glands that are responsible for hormone production. During sleep, melatonin is released by the pineal gland to help control your sleep patterns, while the pituitary gland releases growth hormone to help your body repair itself.  

Now we know what happens when we doze, let’s look at how much sleep we need to let our bodies work their nocturnal magic!  


Sleep: How Much is Enough? 

The amount of sleep our bodies require changes as we get older. While infants need between 12-16 hours, school children require around 9-12 hours and adults are advised to get between 7 or more hours each night.  

When our Z-count is falling short, however, we can experience a range of health issues such as:  

  • Reduced alertness  
  • Excessive tiredness during the day  
  • Impaired memory and cognitive function  
  • Impacted quality of life  
  • Greater risk of road or workplace accidents  

When lack of sleep becomes chronic, it can also lead to more serious health problems like:  

  • High blood pressure  
  • Increased risk of heart attack, heart failure or stroke  
  • Greater risk of developing diabetes and obesity  
  • Depression  
  • Immunity impairment  


Tips to Supercharge Your Sleep 

Keep regular sleeping hours: The first step to better sleep is to make sure you’re getting up and going to bed at the same time each morning and night. This helps to programme your body’s internal clock and establishes a routine that your physiology remembers!  

Relax before bed: Getting a good night’s sleep doesn’t start when you go to bed. In fact, you should treat the time before bed as an opportunity to wind down and prepare for slumber. You can do this by:  

  • Enjoying a nice warm bath with your favourite essential oils  
  • Listening to a guided meditation or relaxing music  
  • Reading a book  
  • Practising relaxation exercises such as yoga, mindfulness and breath work  
  • Journaling your thoughts, worries and tasks for the next day  

Sleep-ify your space: When it comes to getting a super night’s sleep, creating a relaxing environment is essential. Start by switching off your TV, smartphone and other electronics and make sure your bedroom is dark, quiet and tidy. Ideally, the temperature of your room should be between 16 and 18°C.  

Get moving: Regular exercise not only improves the symptoms of insomnia and sleep apnea, but also increases the amount of time you spend in the deep, restorative stages of sleep. Even a gentle 10-minute walk can have a positive impact on your sleep quality. But because exercise elevates your body temperature and stimulates hormone production, it’s best not to work out right before bed.  

Form healthy eating habits: Eating a diet rich in vegetables, fruits and healthy fats may help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep for longer. Sugary snacks and refined carbohydrates can trigger wakefulness and should therefore be avoided too close to bedtime.  

Limit caffeine, alcohol and nicotine consumption: Stimulants can disrupt your sleep cycle and may even worsen the symptoms of sleep apnea. It’s best to steer clear of these substances for at least 3 hours before hitting the hay.  

Try these techniques to see if they can help you tuck in, turn off and wake up ready to take on the day!  


If your employer offers Vivup’sEmployee Assistance Programme,there are lots of useful resources to help with sleep problems. Plus, you can also access a 24-hour telephone helpline for responsive and confidential advice should you or a colleague need mental health support.  



Why Do We Sleep? What Happens During Sleep? ( 

Nuffield Health’s 2023 Healthier Nation Index | Poor Sleep | UK ( 

How Much Sleep Do Babies and Kids Need? ( 

How many hours of sleep are enough? - Mayo Clinic 

Ideal Bedroom Temperature - Bed Advice UK